Nikon’s Stereo microscopes, SMZ25 and SMZ 18 are revolutionizing stereomicroscopy. With the world’s largest stereo microscope zoom range of 25:1, the SMZ 25, offers exceptional and unique capability. Parfocal ultra-high-performance objective lenses, exceptional optical design throughout and, accessory modularity all provide greater user convenience due to a design philosophy focusing on ergonomics
These new top of the range stereo microscopes cover a wide range of applications from routine stereoscopic observations with image capture of superb quality, to more challenging applications where low magnification is used to select a region of interest, and then with the world’s highest zoom range available, a feature may be seen at a far higher magnification without the need for changing lenses or moving the focus drive risking loss of position of the point of interest.
Once an objective turret is added the magnification can be extended far above the 25:1 presenting a high resolution image to the operator equally to both the left and right side optical paths.
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