SMZ445 / SMZ460

The SMZ445 and SMZ460 deliver the outstanding optical performance you expect from Nikon’s cutting-edge series of stereoscopic zoom microscopes. Porro prisms enable a lightweight, compact design. Choose between the two models: the SMZ445 with 0.8x – 3.5x zoom magnification or the SMZ460 with 0.7x – 3.0x zoom magnification, inclination angles of 45° or 60° respectively. With the new diascopic/episcopic LED stand, these microscopes let you observe a wide range of specimens, from Petri dishes to plants, insects, small animals and minerals.


  • Antennae, Telescope optics
  • Telecom & Electronics
  • Plastic Manufacturing
  • Manual examination
  • Implants/ Protheses
  • Mobile phones, shavers & watches

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