Yokogawa Spinning Disk Konfokal

Specimen‐friendly and high‐speed spinning disk confocal imaging.

The CSU series of field scanning confocal spinning disks systems from Yokogawa Life Sciences, integrated with Nikon’s superb microscope platforms and optics, allow users flexible and powerful systems for a wide range of imaging applications. Field scanners are renowned for their low dosage, specimen-friendly characteristics, making them ideal for live cell or organism applications.

The X1 is optimized for ultra-fast imaging, while the W1 gives a wider field of view, images deeper and offers flexible configurations. For example, super-resolution with the SoRa upgrade.

The CSU series is fully integrated in NIS-Elements software and can be added to the Nikon ECLIPSE Ni-E upright  and Ti2 series inverted microscopes.



For more information see Nikon’s CSU series website, or contact us below.

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